Scrap Metal Recycling & It's Dangers

The dangers of irresponsible recycling

With scrap metal thrown out into a dumpster or placed at the curbside, many dangers can come from the mishandling of irresponsible recycling of these materials. 

We created our business to help divert these materials from our landfills and water tables, to avoid contamination and destruction to our beautiful nature.

Doing so, will help protect the environment and its growth for our future by keeping animals, plants and insects safe and healthy, contributing to the balance in our environment.

It has became more of a problem to keep that balance as time passes by even though we have the knowledge on how to recycle these materials and keep our planet safe and healthy.

Not all cities, towns and county’s properly collect these items and educate their communities enough to have any real affect on protecting our natural resources, our environment and avoid the landfills.

Our goal is to expand our service world wide to correct the current unorganized, irresponsible recycling and provide our world environment a solution!

95% of scrap metal recyclers do not contribute tax money back into our economy. They do not pay taxes on what they collect to cash in on. It’s unfortunate how our government has left it to go on for so long unregulated without any solutions or collecting of any tax money.

With scrap metal thrown in a dumpster or placed at the curbside many dangers can come out from irresponsible recycling of these recyclable materials. 

Items containing refrigerant tend to have their copper lines cut during the late night hours releasing these harmful refrigerant gases into our atmosphere when placed at the curbside.

Even when an irresponsible scrapper picks up these items, they do the same, just to bring it into the recycling yard, as recycling yards are not allowed to accept items containing refrigerant unless they have a CFC certificate for proof of proper disposal of the refrigerant or provide those services for you.

Just in London Ontario 1 out of 4 scrap yards accepts these items without being discharged and illegally dispose of them by shredding them. This releases the gas into our environment increasing the risk of health effects.

Other items that are mishandle and dangerous, are items containing chemical fluids like oil or gas from lawnmowers, snowblowers and other items like this that are not always loaded properly and these chemical fluids pour out on the grass or curbside now becoming harmful to wild life and our environment.

This is because of those who are not registered businesses and mishandling these items. The city allows it because they don’t have a program to have these collected.

One more example i would like to share is that 99.9 % of scrap metal recyclers and the general public do not know about certain items that may be thrown out either to the curbside, in some boxes or removed by a junk removal company like Items containing uranium. Sounds crazy and like you wouldn’t have access to that type of highly radioactive material.

Uranium is found is aircraft gauges and old antique electronics and watches. Yes you could have these such items in your collection of old goodies or just throwing them out with your old junk.

These items contain a glow in the dark paint that is made from uranium and is highly radioactive. They stopped and phased out the use of radium paint in 1968 but our company and many others still come in contact with these items as they’re not phased out of the general public’s hands just those producing them.

These are just some of the dangers of irresponsible recycling that can destroy our planet, please help our children’s future and the future of our planets health by recycling safely and properly.

We need education, resources and scrappers to be regulated and directed to opening an actual business and properly operating in order to gain and solution on the dangers of curbside recycling and disposal!

With our company we provide free scrap metal removal for scrap metal material. We provide our scrap metal removal service to all homes and businesses as long as the items are placed in a secured area outside their residence. Once items are placed in the secured area we provide our famous free scrap metal removal service, hassle free.